Tuesday 11 February 2014

Excessive Sweating: Causes and Treatment

Excessive Sweating

Sweating is a normal body function that is essential for the survival of life. It lowers the temperature of the body and allows certain toxins to be excreted from the body.
Excessive sweating, also known as hyperhidrosis is its unusual form. A number of people, both men and women suffer from the issue. The problem causes acute embarrassment to the suffers with many awkward social interactions. Underarms are more visible areas of the dresses and the dark circles beneath underarms are one of the major turnoffs for many people, especially office workers. Sweaty hands due to hyperhidrosis are considered to be a sign of nervousness and many people pointedly refuse to shake hands with the person suffering from hyperhidrosis.

Causes of Hyperhidrosis

Special glans called sweat glands produce sweat that mainly comprises of water, salt and toxins from the body. People usually sweat during physical exertion or because of high outside temperature. The major areas that have a high concentration of sweat glands are face, palms, armpits and soles of the feet.
However, excessive sweat is a real problem and the core issue that has baffled the researchers overtime is what actually causes these glands to go into overdrive and stat producing copious volume of sweat. However, researchers have identified these pointers as possible causes for hyperhidrosis:
•    Over activity of the sympathetic nervous system;
•    Genes also play an active role in inducing hyperhidrosis;
•    Psychological factors;
•    Certain medical conditions (e.g. menopause, thyroid problems, diabetes, etc.)
•    Hyperhidrosis can also be a reaction to certain smells and substances.  For example, nicotine is well known as a common trigger for hyperhidrosis. Similarly, strong flavours such as chillies and spices could also trigger an episode.
•    Some people just have a low tolerance to the triggers of hyperhidrosis. These people are often the worst sufferers of the problem. For them, anything could be a possible trigger leading to breakout of sweat.

Botox injections Treatment for Hyperhidrosis

Botox injections have become a leading cosmetic treatment for excessive sweating owing to their outstanding results. It is used to reduce or eliminate wrinkles and tighten the muscles beneath. It is safe to use and in the hands of an expert doctor, it could be used with great precision and skill.
Botox injections are injected just beneath the skin so that it starts acting on the sweat glands. The injections are placed very close so that the entire are could be covered with a much diluted solution of Botox for hyperhidrosis.

Botox for Hyperhidrosis Results

The effects are very visible with noticeable decrease in sweating. The dose starts to take effect in 7-9 days after the injection. The effect lasts for almost six months. However, this figure is very subjective and the actual duration of the course of impact of Botox injections varies individually.

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