Thursday 4 September 2014

Botox can possibly cure cancer: Researchers say

Long known for curing wrinkles and lines from face and neck, Botox has produced several more of its benefits for both aesthetic and medical aspects. Recent studies have suggested that Botox could potentially be a miracle cure for stomach and prostate cancer.
A study conducted by scientists from Columbia University Medical Centre in New York and Norwegian University of Science and Technology examined possibility of any links between nervous system and cancer development.

Thursday 15 May 2014

Regardless of economic conditions, the demand of Botox and other non-surgical treatments remains sky high!

Botox London

The recent downfall in the economic markets has triggered a worldwide downward spiral in local economies. This event is termed as ‘Recession’ and is generally a feared and loathed event. Sales of almost everything have slumped with few markets still going strong.

Friday 9 May 2014

Aqualyx Fat Reduction Injections Treatment: Pee your fat out!

Aqualyx treatment

Who would have thought that one day we’ll be able emit our body fat simply by having an injection treatment and urinating all the fat out? It’s possible – Aqualyx fat reduction injection actually does it.
Aqualyx is one of the latest fat reduction treatments. It’s an impeccable alternative to liposuction, tummy tuck, surgical fat removal and your daily gym activities.

Tuesday 6 May 2014

Teosyal Redensity II for eyes: The Non-Surgical Peri-Oribital Treatment Method

Teosyal Redensity

Eyes are the first thing that attracts the attention of the person looking in your direction. However, in some cases, this is not such a great thing. Tired looking, sunken and wrinkle shrouded eyes often cause people to add years to your real age. A person could easily look ten years older because of visible craters in the tear troughs and heavy lower eyelids.

Friday 2 May 2014

Top 3 Cosmetic Surgery Procedures to look for this Summer

Cosmetic Surgery Procedures

Summer’s here! Many of us would plan for a vacation, or organize any special event. No matter what, this is the time of the year we all look to make most of it.
This is the season you may look for a change, the way you look, or simply get rid of a problem which is commonly observed in warm weather.  Cosmetic procedures can help you with both aesthetic and medical remedies. You can plan to have one, or more, depending on your preferences, because this is the time you’d want to feel even more comfortable. We’re presenting you the most sought after cosmetic procedures in summer.

Sunday 27 April 2014

How to cure excessive blushing

Blushing also known as feeling flushed is a natural response of the body to certain emotional situations. It’s characterized by facial cheeks taking on a reddish tinge and warm feeling emanating from them. The psychological triggers behind blushing are not clearly understood by medical science and may vary from person to person. However, when this naturally occurring process gets exacerbated and an individual experiences excessive blushing it can prove to be socially and emotionally disruptive. A person suffering from excessive blushing might project a chronically nervous visage. To alleviate excessive blushing it’s imperative to first distinguish between normal blushing and excessive blushing. Normal blushing doesn’t cause anxiety while excessive blushing causes anxiety which is directly proportional to the blushing itself.

Thursday 13 March 2014

Differentiating between Sweating and hyperhidrosis

Sweating is natural process through which our body regulates internal temperature. Some of us sweat more than the others but then there are some of us who sweat excessively even in totally uncalled for circumstances. For a common man it’s very difficult to distinguish between normal sweating and excessive sweating which is medically known as hyperhidrosis. Although the primary type of hyperhidrosis also known as focal hyperhidrosis doesn’t pose any serious medical condition and is more of a nuisance and social hindrance, the secondary type though could be caused by some serious underlying medical conditions. The objective of this article is to explain the symptoms of hyperhidrosis and help a common differentiate between simple sweating and hyperhidrosis.

Tuesday 11 February 2014

Excessive Sweating: Causes and Treatment

Excessive Sweating

Sweating is a normal body function that is essential for the survival of life. It lowers the temperature of the body and allows certain toxins to be excreted from the body.
Excessive sweating, also known as hyperhidrosis is its unusual form. A number of people, both men and women suffer from the issue. The problem causes acute embarrassment to the suffers with many awkward social interactions. Underarms are more visible areas of the dresses and the dark circles beneath underarms are one of the major turnoffs for many people, especially office workers. Sweaty hands due to hyperhidrosis are considered to be a sign of nervousness and many people pointedly refuse to shake hands with the person suffering from hyperhidrosis.

Tuesday 28 January 2014

New Revolutionary Hyperhidrosis Treatment – MiraDry

MiraDry procedure

Excessive Sweating of the underarms also known as auxiliary hyperhidrosis can be really bothersome to deal with. It disrupts daily routine and can cause embarrassment apart from the odor as visible sweat patches on clothes look quite unsightly and then there is continuous body odor. People having hyperactive sweat glands in their underarms have to undertake various measures like applying copious amounts of deodorant, frequently changing their attire etc. But none of these are permanent and lasting solutions and fail to address the source of the problem i.e. hyperactive sweat glands. MiraDry a new revolutionary treatment which specifically targets auxiliary hyperhidrosis is new ray of hope for just such people.

Monday 6 January 2014

Botox for Weight loss – New Research with Promising Results

It seems like the medical community is not through with gauging the extent of Botox usefulness. Every now and then some research surfaces with new beneficial use of Botox for human health! This time around researchers from Norwegian University of Science and Technology have derived experimental results using Botox as a tool for causing weight loss in rats. Based on the test results the Norwegian researchers hope to gain approval for human testing soon.

Botox has earned its fame and reputation first and foremost by being an effective solution for alleviation of facial wrinkles. Now a PhD candidate at the Norwegian University of Science and Technology (NTNU) named Helene Johannessen is conducting in-depth research about the possibility of using Botox as an alternative to treating morbid obesity. If successful this could revolutionize obesity treatment methods by replacing costly and not so safe operations and medications.