Monday 23 December 2013

What Causes Excessive Sweating?

Excessive-SweatingSweating or perspiring is a naturally occurring biological function.  It’s a cooling mechanism through which a body vents excessive heat buildup by secreting sweat through pores in skin called sweat glands. Sweating is instrumental for regulating internal body temperature but this process can get exacerbated resulting in excessive sweating. For an average person excessive sweating entails moist palms, soles and armpits even when not undertaking any strenuous physical exertion and under normal ambient temperature. Generally, there are no triggers for excessive sweating; it can start without any provocation. Medical term used to denote this condition is “Hyperhidrosis”. In select cases hyperhidrosis can be a precursor for ailments like thyroid disorder or diabetes but fortunately majority of people sweating profusely have nothing to worry about.

Causes of excessive sweating

Now that we have a generalized overview of what excessive sweating is, let’s delve into what actually causes it. A person can be born with Hyperhidrosis or like mentioned earlier it can be antecedent for some underlying ailment such as obesity or a tumor. This brings us to different types of Hyperhidrosis:
•    Primary Idiopathic Hyperhidrosis
•    Secondary Hyperhidrosis

Primary Idiopathic Hyperhidrosis: This type has no medically feasible or viable cause; the sweating caused is limited to specific areas of body like the palms or feet.
Secondary Hyperhidrosis: The sweat glands are working overtime because of some underlying health condition. It can be a reaction to some medications also where sweating is experienced all over the body.

Is Hyperhidrosis hereditary?

Till now there is no unanimously accepted and verifiable expert verdict that would prove Hyperhidrosis to be genetic. Though this much is proven that sympathetic nervous system is in control of excessive sweating. The same system regulates basic human traits like self-preservation, but in people with Hyperhidrosis something goes awry and the result is copious sweating.

Adverse effects of Hyperhidrosis

Primary idiopathic Hyperhidrosis is harmless. It can be a nuisance because of having moist palms / feet and warrants frequent change of socks and clothing but it’s not life threatening. In stark contrast to primary Hyperhidrosis, secondary could herald serious health conditions. If someone experiences frequent bouts of profuse sweating throughout their body without any provocation, they should immediately consult a practiced physician.

Treatment for Hyperhidrosis

Primary Hyperhidrosis can be treated based on its severity. The treatment varies from non-surgical to invasive surgical methods. In case of Idiopathic Hyperhidrosis, physicians usually recommend antiperspirants, iontophoresis, and Botox injections. It’s highly recommended to first thoroughly explore the non-surgical options before opting for more drastic measures.

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